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TP Editorial Team

Barn to residential approval in Solihull

The Tyler Parkes team is delighted to have recently obtained approval from Solihull MBC to convert a simple structural steel framed building in use for agriculture to create an attractive new residential dwelling.

The proposal was submitted under the simplified permitted development regime (Class Q) which was first introduced by the government in 2013. While it does not require a formal planning application, a prior notification application needs to be submitted. These procedures allow the Council to consider matters such as transport, highway and noise impacts, contamination and flood risks, as well as the appropriateness of the building’s location/siting, and the proposed design/external appearance of the building.

The site is located in a relatively undeveloped area with direct access from a public highway. In addition, the site does not fall within an area liable to the risk of flooding and there were no bad neighbours that could risk the approval. The new dwelling will be of an attractive design, providing 295sq.m of residential accommodation. In all respects Solihull raised no objections to the proposal

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