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Tyler Parkes Wins Appeal for New Dwellings in Knowle

TP Editorial Team

The Tyler Parkes team is pleased to confirm that we have won an appeal for the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of three detached dwellings on Hampton Road in Knowle for our client Green Villa Homes.

The appeal proposal comprises a development of 3 detached dwellings. While Plot 1 is a replacement for the existing dwelling, plots 2 and 3 are situated towards the rear of the site which is currently used as garden land. The scheme was designed by the architects Planning2 Detail Ltd.

The application was refused by Solihull MBC in December 2015 as the proposal, in their opinion, resulted in a cramped and contrived residential development that failed to respect or reinforce local distinctiveness and character and the proposed new access driveway would have a harmful impact on neighbour amenity.

The appeal was dealt with under the ‘written representations’ procedure and a detailed Statement of Case was prepared by Gareth Jones, Director at Tyler Parkes, which concluded that the development would not create an alien form of development or unreasonably impact upon the amenities of neighbours. It was considered that the decision of the Authority to refuse consent for such a highly sustainable development would be contrary to the provisions of national planning policy and would add, in a small way, to the supply of much needed housing.

The appeal was supported by a noise assessment by Noise Survey Ltd confirming that the insignificant increase in noise due to cars using the proposed access drive was unlikely to make an impact on neighbouring properties. In addition, a supporting letter prepared by highway consultant’s Phil Jones Associates concluded that the ‘impact’ of an additional two houses would extremely low, generating just two vehicle movements on average in any one hour and that this could not reasonably be considered to generate excessive noise and disturbance. In approving the scheme, the Inspector concluded that there were no appropriate reasons for the Council to refuse planning permission and the appeal was allowed on 8 September 2016.


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