TP Editorial Team

May 9, 20231 min

Another Class Q Conversion Approved

Prior Approval has been granted under Class Q of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) for conversion of two agricultural buildings to four dwellings including its curtilage land and building operations necessary for the conversion.


This application was a resubmission of a scheme that was previously approved in October 2020. However, for various reasons the works were never commenced and as the previous Prior Approval was nearing the end of the three-year period by which these conversions must be completed, a new application was lodged. There being no material changes in circumstances, Prior Approval was granted by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council under delegated powers in May 2023.

In the intervening period, Tyler Parkes had also been successful in securing planning permission for the conversion of an adjacent locally listed farmhouse into four dwellings and the conversion and alteration of two existing agricultural barns into four dwellings, which had previously been refused by the Council. However, Tyler Parkes were successfully able to address the reasons for refusal through reasoned argument without recourse to an appeal.

As a consequence, the client now has consent for a total of twelve dwellings across the site that will not only make a valuable contribution to the Council’s housing land supply but also safeguard the fabric of the farmstead’s core heritage assets in the longer term.

The architectural design and all planning consultancy was undertaken by Tyler Parkes.